Google's newest and most capable AI | Gemini

2023年9月12日—Google.orgisfunding15projectsthatwilluseAItomakeprogressontheUN'sSustainableDevelopmentGoals.,Buildanintelligentcamerathatcanseefaces,detectemotions,andrecognizecommonobjects.Createyourownprojectsthattakeactionbasedonwhatthe ...,Sin...。參考影片的文章的如下:


15 projects using AI to reach the UN's Global Goals

2023年9月12日 — is funding 15 projects that will use AI to make progress on the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

AIY Projects

Build an intelligent camera that can see faces, detect emotions, and recognize common objects. Create your own projects that take action based on what the ...

Experiments with Google

Since 2009, coders have created thousands of amazing experiments using Chrome, Android, AI, WebVR, AR and more. We're showcasing projects here, along with ...

Google AI

Making AI helpful for everyone. Our approach to developing and harnessing artificial intelligence. Why AI. See our latest news.

Google DeepMind

Making AI more inclusive through imagery. Find out more. Impact. Working across Google to improve products used by billions of people. View all case studies.

Google Research

Discover Google Research. We publish research papers across a wide range of domains and share our latest developments in AI and science research.

Google weighing 'Project Ellmann,' uses Gemini AI to tell ...

2023年12月8日 — “Project Ellmann” is an internal Google proposal to use artificial intelligence to help users get a “bird's-eye view” of their life stories.


Experimental AI collaborations with innovators to shape technology to meet their own unique needs. TEACHER X LLMs. NYU professor and creator of popular YouTube ...

Machine Learning

A generative-AI conversational search application capable of answering questions related to a project or product. Data; Datasets; Project guide. Tensorflow ...


2023年9月12日—Google.orgisfunding15projectsthatwilluseAItomakeprogressontheUN'sSustainableDevelopmentGoals.,Buildanintelligentcamerathatcanseefaces,detectemotions,andrecognizecommonobjects.Createyourownprojectsthattakeactionbasedonwhatthe ...,Since2009,codershavecreatedthousandsofamazingexperimentsusingChrome,Android,AI,WebVR,ARandmore.We'reshowcasingprojectshere,alongwith ...,MakingAIhelpfulf...